Monday, May 19, 2008

My Connection to American Idol

I promised myself I would be better at updating my blog. Nothing too exciting has happened the last few days, although we did get a new bishopric in our ward yesterday, but unfortunately I didn't have my camera at church to take their picture ( jk :-) ) and I hate posting blogs without pictures. So, I thought I would do a post about my connection to American Idol. We have a new assistant principal at Cottonwood this year - Dave Gatti - one of the funniest people I have ever met by the way. Anyway, before he came to Cottonwood, he was a PE teacher at the junior high school in Murray. So, yes, you guessed it, he was David Archuleta's PE teacher in junior high.

The day David Archuleta was in Salt Lake for his "hometown visit" Gatti went to the Gateway and was 8th in line with a bunch of 15 year-old girls. He said he felt and probably looked like some sick pervert either stalking David Archuleta or just wanting to be around a bunch of young girls. He almost left, but he decided to stick it out. When David A. was waving to the crowd he saw Gatti and said "Hi Mr. Gatti" which brought tears to Gatti's eyes. David A. was signing autographs at the Gateway so when it was Mr. Gatti's turn for his autograph, David A.'s mom took their picture together. When he got back to school he went from classroom to classroom sharing his story with everyone and anyone who would listen. Then he sent the whole faculty this picture - so there you go, that is my connection to American Idol.

By the way, this picture is blown up to an 8x10 and is framed hanging on Gatti's office wall between the pictures of his two kids.


JaNae said...

I've been meaning to ask if you had a connection, I knew you would! I hope he cropped out the girl in the top left corner picking her nose.

Jana said...

PE teacher? Obsessed with David Archuwhatever? Hmmmmmmmmmm.

iammommahearmeroar said...

I told the girls I would link you up to my blog so they can check it if they want to. Ours is

JaNae said...

you are bad at this ;)
now we want to know your connection to So U Think U Can Dance.

Bryn Wynder said...

This is a test.